Sunday, August 17, 2008

i am

Despite the fact its been utterly hectic lately, having to grab books to college everyday, rush home with an extreme fatigue, still having to get to work with the upcoming due-ed law assignment which have been goddamn time occupying lately..not to mention that exams are around the corner, accounting =.= easy =.= in the aspect of time i ain't agreeing for now.

Im not gonna nerd-post in my blog talking all bout my study life which would cause Su Yang to just appear right in front of me saying " u remember the 50 pages case". no thank you im not joining that group at this time of life.

Despite all the crap that is bugging my daily schedules, i am still missing you..already that long a time for this to occur but for some reason ur my head. A month i've been happy alright but a guy to have a period which causes emotional swings isn't exactly happy yet though. And im not sayin i bleed from my family genitals every 28 days or so. Its more like the heart is. Pathetically i may seem for having such a bump in my daily life just cause an incident of such happened before. Avoiding every cause of emotional breakdowns has just been like a chore for the past month.

Songs, faces, dresses have such a nostalgic effect on me and i can never forget that moment which i drifted of into a realistic dream having thought for a moment i'd have you.

A note of thanks to Yang for having to bear my periods for the past month. Though being that obnoxious i guess you're used to it.

Well, its not like i want to stay like this forever though, haunted still no matter how hard i distract myself from you. I'd like to know how you are at any time still, not to mention i didn't keep my word of changing your perception towards guys. Didn't have the chance to anyhow

Another emo post popping into my blog which further contaminates the happiness i m supposedly diving into recently but i think spitting out would be better than vomiting it.
Missing you , i am.

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