Friday, October 10, 2008

Im being positive

Its been awhile, since the last time i felt so happy.
Its beyond description now. After so long, finally..happiness beyond happy.
And the main reason is, honestly i don't know either. It just came, again. Sometimes i really wonder come i am always feeling this happy at the times i least expect it. Really, some things just happens at the weirdest moments that make you feel like you're dreaming. When it happens, obviously you feel like your floating. I know happiness like this doesn't last long, but at the moment, its really sips into your soul and whatever happens around you, it seems so positive, seems like another of those 'omg really?' kinda situations. Well, i wonder when will this happiness go away. No clue, time is a bitch. It can drag or drop instantly. I'll go happify myself now.


Yang said...

Temporal ecstasy is better than no happiness at all. Try to keep it as long as possible, if possible I like to see that happiness become permanent instead of one of those short once in a while things.

Hang in there!

Peiying said...

It's because of expectations, people get disappointed.
Don't have to expect to be happy, and you'll be surprised how happiness can easily dock upon you.

Hope to hear less people saying that you're an emo person. lol. =)