Sunday, May 11, 2008

Forced to

Who are your top 4 friends?
1. Ning
2. Karyn
3. Kelvin
4. Reuben
*By naming them means you have tagged them to re-do this survey.

You all are trapped on a desserted island...(start imagining...)
Who jumps in the water and tries to swim home?
- Reuben.
Who starts crying and saying their too young to die?
- Karyn. ( definitely)
Who tries to make a raft out of grass and palm leaves?
- Ning and I.  :D
Who starts chasing a squirrel so they can eat it?
- Kelvin. ( he gets hungry quick)
Who helps make the shelter?
- Reuben and Kelvin.
Who becomes depressed and says that there's no hope?
- Karyn.
Who actually tries to think of a plan to get out?
- Reuben.
Who starts jumping up and down screaming?
- Kelvin and Karyn.
Who's in denial and looking all over for the hidden video cameras?
- Ning?lol yaya.

Two weeks later...
An argument breaks out between 3 of the members...Who are they?
- Karyn, Kelvin and Ning
Why are they arguing?
- Who gets to eat meat?
Who wins?
- Karyn.  Like DUHH.
What were you and the other one left doing?
- Sitting somewhere by a tree going all emo while reuben strikes a how-to-earn money convo. =)

Another week later, food supply is running low, you decide to split up to go find food.
What did you find?
- Banana.
What does person 1 find?
- Something to take picture with. (typical)
What does person 2 find?
- A cute guy :D ( in her dreams )
What does person 3 find?
- Fish. (He likes to fish)
What does person 4 find?
- A way to make more money LOL
Which person comes back after two minutes because they claim to be tired?
- Karyn. LOL.
Which person actually comes back with food but takes days to find it?
- Kelvin.
Which person goofs off all the time and doesn't do anything at all?
- Ning (good actor)

Suddenly a boat arrives...(yay!)
Who's actually sad and claims they'll miss the island?
- Ning and Kelvin probably.
Who's so happy they jumps onto the boat and sinks it?
- Karyn.

Finally another boat came and brought you all home.
Who mis-spells your name in a book they wrote about all of this?
- Noone.
Who secretly wishes they could've stayed there longer?
- Kelvin ( he belongs)
Who never want to be reminded about this?
- Everyone i guess except Kelvin.
What about you?
- I would be happy to go home (thats it ) :D
Who back at home will be panicking?
- Parents hopefully LOL
Who did you think sent the boat?
- Err...Lets hope its someone pretty Lol.

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