Saturday night that is, boom! 70 bucks flew away in just one night.
But to say the 70 bucks was a total waste isn't so true and yet it might be. Met up with Karyn and her 3 friends Ning, Julia and Siew Li. Surprisingly they opened their own bottle (rich buggers). Anyways we had ours opened soon after which was some drink i haven't drank before. Hennesy, ma god the name sounds so nice but the price also nice.
Well, the mood was slowly setting in with some drinks when all of a sudden the knnmcbwtf police just had to raid during that night at 12.30 right in the midnight. Walao eh, that totally wasted 2 hours just to check our IC numbers. It was so damn potong man it totally destroyed the mood and waiting for the raid to be over was making me so sleepy. The raid ended at like 2 which left us with about an hour or so to enjoy.
Spammed the drinks, took in whatever my stomach could handle. Oh ya it was karyn and ning's first time clubbing so congrats to them for staying sober although karyn got carried away just a little i suppose.
Anyhow, i couldn't remember much of what happened to myself. I only remember so much but based on my friends, I was not really myself. ( which totally ruined everything)
It was totally blur its like my brain was this flickering light which functions on and off.
By the time it ended, i must have fallen down at least once, done something stupid i guess. O well, thats what happens to someone who can't drink much.=)
And for some bloody reason i got all emo-ish which i can't find the proper reason why but i have the rough idea i suppose.
O ya, Karyn lost her phone which she realized only after it was over. Damn pity man, first time clubbing and that happens. Well, im sorry since its partly my fault, for inviting in the first place.
And yeah im sorry also to karyn and ning for yelling all of a sudden when you both were just trying to prevent me from 'driving to the hospital' like ning said. Feel so terrible about it.
We went to mamak to get some supper and also to de-emo and de-drunk some of us i guess.
The table we sat in was like divided into 2 groups, the emo and the non-emo. It was so damn obvious then.hahahahaha
After mamak, we went down to the beach at Crown Prince Hotel ( they make the decision, we drivers use the petrol)
At the beach, the girls were totally enjoying themselves especially karyn and ning and with them both happily enjoying with their 'tweety bird' (HAHAHAHAHA) then guess almost everyone there was quite sober and awake except Julia.
Then, after the sun rose only did everyone decided to go home. =.= Gosh, it was like 7 in the morning d...
Anyways, supposedly had to fetch karyn back but somehow...anyways pai seh nia la k =)
Dropped everyone where their supposed to be and everyone means aric, kayin and teik hong then headed home.
What an eventful night or early morning perhaps with such crazy things happening.
Well then, till my next post on another matter.
Oh and by the way, to (you should know it yourself), the whole i-tell-you-later thing was totally shocking but a little predictable. Don't try to be a pessimist if you're not ok.