Friday, April 18, 2008


Class at 2 in the afternoon later, what a day destroyer. It's not even a useful class as i heard from my friends, the teacher was just teaching how to use Microsoft Word. =.=''
Although i can't say its a totally waste of time because there are others that might need the class but maybe they shouldn't make it compulsory.

Theres nothing much to say about today or yesterday so i might as well take this time to talk about other stuff..=)

hmm i think i'll start with some issue which is quite common..taking things for granted.
Well, everyone just ask yourself 'what do i have that no one else have?' Then, think for a moment all the things that you have been complaining about lately which you did only when u were angry or disappointed. We often hear people complain they have weak hands, what about those without hands? And complains further they are too skinny and would like to grow fatter when there are others who are fatter who would like to be slim. Take for example, a boy who belongs to a family which is quite well off. He would still complain if he were to see another person having something he does not have (a car perhaps)

But most important of all, which i have found it to be common, would be people (especially teenagers) are totally not appreciating their own parents. They do not realize how much their parents have done for them. Spent their life with us, fed us, tried their best to give us whatever we wished for and if they could not get us what we wanted, they would feel awfully terrible. Worked day and night just so we could get the education needed so we would be more successful than them. Having done all that, we can just start cursing them and hating them just when they disagree with us. Lets say, you made plans with some friends, definitely looking forward to it right? But your dad or mum disallows you to go out. How would you feel? Unless you weren't really interested in going out, you would feel totally angry not to mention disappointed. Then there comes the moment where we start hating our parents for not being understanding, for not allowing us to go out and starts cursing..Wouldn't you feel this is totally unfair to them? After all they have done for us, just by disagreeing with us several times, we hate them.
By doing so, we would start comparing ourselves with others, maybe other friends who have more freedom. I have some friends who can go out or do whatever they like and their parents do not stop them. Is that good or bad? Does that show they trust their child or it just shows they don't care much about their child? Well, all parents or maybe 99% of all the parents care for their children, just they have different ways to show it. So, if your dad says to stay home, stop letting anger take over instead look on the bright side of it, there might be a reason he disallows with you going out. Don't compare how your parents are with other parents. Theres a reason why you are what you are now and its because your parents are different from others which also makes us different from others.

Hmm, have you ever spent a minute just looking back at what our parents did to give us a comfortable life?
I believe every parent has gone through a tough moment, some tougher than the rest just to make sure we do not suffer in the future. If anyone of you have watched the movie ' Pursuit of Happyness' ( lol i know its spelled wrong but thats the would know why if you watched the movie ) then you would definitely see what it means to be an adult, a parent. Think its difficult to study? Think its difficult being just young adults? Wait till you have to work and support yourself, then reconsider your thoughts.

Having said all that, i think theres one last there are people who take their parents for granted and people who just don't appreciate their luxury of life. What about those that take others for granted?friends perhaps. Have you ever come across a person who goes out with you or is close to you only for a period of time and realized that they have their reasons of being with you? How does it feel like if you were to trust someone and let that person abuse your trust? Definitely disappointing (that is for sure)..Hmmm, lets just take a simple example, how about someone who mixes with a friend just because he or she can drive? ( simple example =D) then they are just 'using' that friend as a driver. As time passes, when they can find another person to 'bloodsuck' on, they migrate...=.="
Some might find these people very entertaining and would refer to them as very nice friends, that would be the beginning. Like the saying, never judge a book from its cover, it implies to everything including friends. Let yourself be taken for granted and you just have to watch how disappointment eat you alive. Sometimes, those that treat you badly at first maybe the ones that will still be your friend 10 years later. Anyhow, at the end of the day, we will see who are the true friends and its up to us to appreciate it.

Ta da!! the end for now. Till another inspiring mood comes into my mind, maybe something else better next time. Hope you guys enjoy the 'inspiring' post. Leave some comments as to what your opinions are about the matter, it will be greatly appreciated.

p/s : This post is not meant to offend anyone, just a reminder.

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