Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First Blood of my newly made blog.

Well, after long complaining why would anyone blog..guess i was also tempted by curiosity.
I used to think why do people waste their time sitting in front of the comp typing about their daily activities. Well there are people who keep diaries coz its their way of keeping their secrets or keeping track of their daily actvities. Then, why would anyone sit in front of a computer to tell the public about their daily activities. Is it that they have too much time? Or is it just the fact they have some thoughts to tell the world?

Curious me... =S

Having thought and told many of my friends how dumb blogging was, I finally began my own..hahaha hipocrit yah..i know =)

So, being my first post in my new blog, guess i have to indulge in the ' tell-the-world-what-i-am-doing' attitude.

I am at E-gate hanging out at Starbucks...yah yah 'rich kid' but sadly no..I happen to be the only one without a drink in hand...T.T
10 bucks at least for a drink is a pure scam but people do buy it because it is tasty and to me, its worth the 10 bucks because the coffee is g o o d.

Actually, being the mastermind of calling everyone out here, its because a friend of mine is leaving for Belgium tomorrow 9 in the morning. K.M.Ching, the golden leg and golden brain. Pursuing a dream far different than any other friend i know, playing football in the English Premier League.

'LOL' is what many think or do when they hear a Malaysian is goin for EPL..There are many who have the thought of doing so but how many actually take action..Action speaks louder den words...so many know the saying but none actually prove it..Fortunate of me, i can say that i have a friend trying to make his dreams come true. He is leaving for Belgium for a one-month trial at football club.

Even with such skills in football, that bugger actually managed to score straight A's in his spm..WTF la..he can finish a book of 200 pages in few hours..I did not know if he was lying or what but he proven it true by performing well..that fella, I would never forget how often he slept in class but managed to keep up with his studies..hahaha 3 stooges in 5 Cekal..him, Jeffrey Lee and me...sleep-masters in class with record of being nagged by teachers at least once every week.

ok, enuf of the EPL player..lolz..am currently here with kelvin, aaron and adrian. =)

By the way, i am definitely new at blogging so i hope i am able to blog often to keep it updated with the latest happenings in my life..Happy to meet anyone else blogging..
I'll end right here then, have to save some for next time ya know...


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