Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pa la pa la

Another day of studies, over !
Waking up at 6.30am today is totally stressful and its all thanks to the new subject which began at 8. It was a total waste of my life going to the class which also started half an hour late.
Having began 30 minutes late, the lecturer stepped in and said his first sentence " ok since its the first lesson, i will not be teaching today"..

Knnmcbwtfomg why did i even bother going early. =.=

After sitting in the class for about 30 minutes which we spent declaring who does not know how to use a computer, fortunately we were dismissed from the computer lab in which my comp was not working (what the heck)

So then we were left with about an hour of free time before the next class begins. Tried spending time at the ICT lab playing but none of the computers were online ( so much for a ICT lab ).. Having no better place to head to, its straight to the library!!

Yap we are nerds..if going to a library to sleep is what nerds do. xD

Cramping in the freaking small sofa trying to take a nap took me about 10 minutes before i could actually doze off..happy ending yah =) only for 10 minutes before my friend woke me up for class. Headed to the class but its lock. Thanks very much for waking me up..haha no offense.

Accounts or rather, the mental torture began at 10.10 am.. For some reason, the lecturer seems to love to get to the next topic. Moving at such speed, i bet 40% of the class were seeing stars by the end of the
The destruction of our brain cells ended at 1.40 but thats not the end..she had to load us with a freaking lot of homework.. mlm

ok then thats about all that happened today, now i better get on with my homework =(

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